Page Rates
EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2023 through June 30, 2025
Pursuant to 3-5-604, MCA, the Office of Court Administrator calculates transcript rates in even-numbered years based on increases in the consumer price index. The increases take effect in odd-numbered years. The new rates are as follows:
Ordinary Delivery Original furnished to any state or local government agency: $2.35.
Ordinary Delivery Original furnished to any non-governmental party: $2.90
Expedited Delivery Original (requested and delivered within 7 calendar days). [The Office of Court Administration will not pay for expedited delivery]: $4.70
Daily Delivery Original (requested and delivered the next day). [The Office of Court
Administration will not pay for daily delivery]: $5.85
First copy to any party: $.55
Additional copy to the same party: $.25
Effective July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2027, t
• Ordinary Transcript rate per page (furnished to any state or local government agency); $2.40
• Ordinary Transcript rate per page (furnished to any non-governmental party): $3.00
• Expedited Transcript rate per page: $4.85
• Daily Transcript rate per page: $6.00
• Per page rate for first copy to each party (no change): $0.55
• Per page rate for each additional copy to each the same party (no change): $0.25
Federal Court Maximum Per-Page Transcript Rates
Original 1st Copy to Each Add’l
A transcript to be delivered within 30 calendar $4.40 $1.10 $ .75
days after receipt of an order.
14-DAY TRANSCRIPT $5.10 $ 1.10 $ .75
A transcript to be delivered within 14 calendar
days after receipt of an order.
7-DAY TRANSCRIPT $5.85 $1.10 $ .75
A transcript to be delivered within 7 calendar
days after receipt of an order.
3-DAY TRANSCRIPT $6.55 $1.30 $ .90
A transcript to be delivered within 3 calendar
days after receipt of an order.
Daily Copy
A transcript to be delivered on the calendar day
following receipt of the order (regardless of whether
that calendar days is a weekend or holiday) prior to
the normal opening hour of the clerk’s office. $7:30 $1.45 $1.10
A transcript of proceedings to be delivered within 2 hrs $8.70 $1.45 $1.10
from receipt of the order.